domenica 12 giugno 2011


In this page will be shown the last works with bands by Dark Label Studio.
Here are the links of each artist who had recording sessions with us.
Let's take a listen.

Azrael's Progeny: (audio samples are available in this website under the section ''Azrael's Progeny'').

sabato 11 giugno 2011

Azrael's Progeny - Throne Of Redemption ''The Arcane War''

This is the first song of the ''Throne of Redemption'' album by Azrael's Progeny. It comes when Hàkon Lohengrìn wakes from a dream in which the castle of Thìlgon is burning in fire and flames..he doesn't know what is really happening to the human's reign..
To buy the entire album of more info please contact us:
Music and Lyrics composed by Gabriele Rotondo.
All rights reserved 2011

The Arcane War by Azrael's Progeny

Azrael's Progeny - Throne Of Redemption ''Throne Of Loss''

This track is an instrumental version of Throne Of Loss, that is available to be listened in the Azrael's Progeny album ''Throne Of Redemption''. 
It comes when the war was ended and all around became ashes, when all the hope is lost. Only death and destruction.

Throne Of Loss by Azrael's Progeny

Azrael's Progeny - Throne Of Redemption ''Nocturnal Dirge''

Nocturnal Dirge is a track inside the album ''Throne Of Redemption'' by Azrael's Progeny. It narrate a story INSIDE the main narration.
a woman whose cry resound in the air with a deadly echoes..
..his husband was a great warrior killed in the Green Arrow Battle, near the fortress of Vèon, where thousand souls returned to Valhàlla where the ancient Gods and warriors rest and where the hate found its most utterance.
To buy the entire album of more info contact
Music and Lyrics composed by Gabriele Rotondo.
All rights reserved 2011

Nocturnal Dirge by Azrael's Progeny

Azrael's Progeny - Throne Of Redemption ''A Father's Cry''

A Father's Cry by Azrael's Progeny

The lyrics are written above. This song narrates a part in the story where Hàkon Lohengrìn is going to save Elwen, victim of the demon Dràgnar.

For more info contact us.

Azrael's Progeny '' Throne Of Redemption '' album mastered !

Finally the entire album is recorded, mixed and mastered.
It took a huge amount of time because of it's lenght (almost 150 min. of music) and it was produced in the Dark Label Studio under the coordinating of Gabriele Rotondo (composer, guitars, vocals, bass guitar, keyboards and more) and will be soon available to be bought directly from this site.
In the next posts you will be able to read more informations about the story (it is a concept album) and the whole work too, so stay tuned headbanging (and even not-headbanging) guys for this awesome release!!

Finalmente l'abum per intero è stato registrato, mixato e prodotto.
Ciò ha preso molto tempo, a causa della sua lunghezza (quasi 150 min. di musica) ed è stato prodotto nel Dark Label Studio sotto il coordinamento di Gabriele Rotondo (compositore, chitarre, voce, basso, tastiere e altro) e sarà presto possibile comprarlo direttamente da questo sito.
Nei prossimi posts si potranno leggere numerose informazioni aggiuntive riguardo la storia (è un concept album, basato interamente su una narrazione) e sull'intero lavoro, quindi restate in contatto col sito per questa grande uscita!!

The Arthania Map

So, this is an absolute preview of the official Arthania's map that will be released together with the new album of Azrael's Progeny ''Throne of Redemption'', stay tuned for more updates.
This took me some time of drawing and creating this world, but it was funny and very exciting!
Let me know what do you think, enjoy.